I really had no idea what formatted strings like PT0S, P0D or PT5M30S meant when I first encountered them… And I am not alone, almost all developers who join the team ask the same question: what are these?
Well, did you know that the ISO8601 standard, commonly used to format dates, also has a duration component?
Even though the Foundation framework in Swift offers the ISO8601DateFormatter, it obviously doesn’t support durations and since we needed to serialize/deserialize durations for a project, I ended up writing a small library that does just that.
This simple trick helps preventing the system from resizing the background view when the modal appears. It keeps the standard behavior (panning view, partial view with dark veil) but leave the background view untouched.
Simply set the following flag on your UIViewController, for instance inside the viewDidLoad method:
definesPresentationContext = true
If the presenting view controller is a child of a navigation controller, then we need to apply this flag to the navigationController instead of self:
I released the first version of Nanashi on the App Store 7 years ago, it’s a turn-based strategy game. The game was relatively simple: a solo mode against an AI and a pass and play mode.
The most requested feature was an online multi-player mode with a leaderboard, but I never found the time to do it… until today.
I finally released the version 2.0 of Nanashi with an online mode and a leaderboard.
Rules are simple: – select your piece to see where you can play – one square away (including the diagonals) and your piece is cloned – two squares away and your piece jumps – capture the pieces of your enemy by cloning or jumping next their piece – you win if you own the most pieces at the end of the game
Play against a challenging AI or against a friend on your iPhone or iPad……or play online against strangers and rank up the leaderboard!
Build a complete app from scratch in a week-end? Challenge accepted! I started the project on Friday evening and submitted the app for review on the App Store on Sunday evening. It was accepted during the night and live on Monday morning.
So what was there time to do in just a weekend? Actually, a lot:
SwiftUI: I experimented a tiny bit of SwiftUI before, but nothing compares to building a real app!
GPS based location is retrieved in the background, reverse geocoded and stored in CoreData
Forms: automatically recording locations is cool, but you sometimes have to go and manually add or edit visits, SwiftUI makes it particularly easy to create dynamic forms with very little code and handles pretty much everything for you
In-App Purchase with a paywall selling a non-consumable product to unlock some features like yearly / country reports and PDF export
PDF generation from HTML templates, and export using a SwiftUI wrapped version UIActivityController
Analytics and Crashlytics integration using Firebase
App Store preparation: finding a name, writing description, creating a logo, preparing screenshots, submitting the In-App Purchase product
What kind of issues did I run into?
SwiftUI is fun, but sometimes it’s just really hard to do something really simple (like presetting two modals / sheets from the same view), and sometimes you simply can’t do something simple (like removing the disclosure indicator from list cells without generating random crashes)
Fastlane didn’t want to work on my machine, I wanted to automate the screenshots but couldn’t, but it’s ok, since there is only one language for now and the app only support the iPhone, taking screenshots manually wasn’t too long
Apple randomly disabled submission from the version of Xcode available on the Mac App Store, and obviously the error message when submitting was super obscure… had to download the next coming GM from the developer download center
Is the code clean? Hell no! But was it fun to do? Absolutely! I don’t know if this app will ever sustain itself, but I’ve to admit we live in a time where very powerful tools are available for us to experiment and iterate really quickly. I’ll definitely do this kind of challenges again 🙂
When creating a custom video player, you need to have a component halfway between a UISlider, allowing your to interactively track and seek a particular position in the video, but also show progress continuously while also eventually showing buffering.
Even though there isn’t any component like this directly available in UIKit, it appears it’s fairly easy to make something like this, interactive and fully customizable:
Creating a custom view to display progress and buffer
Let’s start with the basics, we need a subclass of UIView for which we override all possible initializers:
At this stage, nothing appears in interface builder yet, this is normal, we didn’t add anything to our view yet.
The progress view will be composed of several layers: the track in the background, the buffer one level up, the actual progress one level up and finally the knob or thumb.
Let’s create and add our subviews:
private lazy var trackView: UIView = {
let view = UIView()
view.translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints = false
view.layer.masksToBounds = true
return view
private lazy var progressView: UIView = {
let view = UIView()
view.translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints = false
return view
private lazy var bufferView: UIView = {
let view = UIView()
view.translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints = false
return view
private lazy var thumbView: UIView = {
let view = UIView()
view.translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints = false
view.layer.masksToBounds = true
return view
private var trackHeightConstraint: NSLayoutConstraint!
private var thumbHeightConstraint: NSLayoutConstraint!
private var progressViewWidthConstraint: NSLayoutConstraint!
private var bufferViewWidthConstraint: NSLayoutConstraint!
The layout using auto layout, and we observe these all depend on some customizable properties, that we will mark as @IBInspectable so we can modify them directly from Interface Builder inspector:
Finally, it’s important to override both layoutSubviews to make sure our subviews are property placed when screen size changes (final size, rotations, etc) and the intrinsicContentSize, especially because we want the height to automatically be decided based on our track height and thumb height instead of adding a constraint ourselves: